The Waker Dreams - Ричард Матесон

Матесон Ричард : The Waker Dreams
Авторы: Ричард Матесон
Редактор-составитель: Прокоп Ефремович Подгорелов
Дизайн: Евстигней Чеславович Клунохин
Страниц: 483
Дата издания: 2015
Формат: epub, fb2, txt, pdf

Описание к книге: The Waker Dreams

There's nothing like exciting fantasy to escape boredom. The problem is to know whether it's actually a fantasy. Dipping low and weaving in and out among the glittering towers, one might see the moving walks, the studied revolution of the giant street ventilators, hot in the winter and cool in summer, the tiny doors opening and closing, the park fountains shooting their methodical columns of water into the air. Farther along, one would flit across the great open field on which the glossy spaceships stood lined before their hangars. Farther yet, one would catch sight of the river, the metal ships resting along shore, delicate froth streaming from their sterns caused by the never-ending operation of their vents. Again, one would glide over the city proper, seeking some sign of life in the broad avenues, the network of streets, the painstaking pattern of dwellings in the living area, the metal fastness of the commercial section. The search would be fruitless. Книга Ричард Матесон - The Waker Dreams онлайн.

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  • The Waker Dreams - Ричард Матесон

  • The Waker Dreams - Ричард Матесон
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